Last Updated on 2020-12-28 by ppcguybklyn

5 Google Ads Editor Tips

As a paid search manager in a digital marketing agency, it is almost commonplace to have several accounts with hundreds of ad copies on hand. Although Google has continuously updated various functions of Google Ads in recent years to make bulk operations easier, for me personally, the best ad copy editing tool is still Google Ads Editor. If your account structure is well structured and well understood, this is definitely an indispensable tool for you to expand and edit your ads most efficiently. Today, I will briefly introduce some of its basic functions and 5 tips that I think are very practical.

How to get started and install

To install Google Ads Editor, we must first go to hisofficial website

Click download and follow their download steps to install it to the destination you want

Editor supports Traditional Chinese, you can adjust the language you want according to personal preference.

After installation, the first thing after opening the program is to link your Google Ads account with Editor.

First we have to choose to add an account

After clicking, a login option will pop up

Here you can choose to log in with your browser

Click and log in to your Google Ads account, a verification code will be generated

We only need to copy and paste this verification code back to Editor, and the account connection is complete.

Next it will let you import the campaigns in your account

Here we would usually choose to import all the ad campaigns, and then click OK to start using.

Basic functions and advantages of Google Ads Editor

Before entering the tips, let’s briefly introduce some basic functions and some of the biggest advantages.

Get recent changes and publish

Google Ads Editor is not real time, which means that any edits and changes made on it will not be uploaded to our Google Ads account before being published. Similarly, if we change things on Google Ads, it will be It will not be displayed in the Editor before downloading. So every time we start working, we must remember to get the latest changes and after every edit, we must remember to post to Google Ads.

Create campaigns and ad groups

The biggest advantage of Editor is that you can directly create an empty ad campaign or ad group. To create a campaign or group on Google Ads, you must follow its steps to add keywords and ad copy. You can certainly cancel these steps halfway, but it will still take some time to create an event or group. If you use Editor, you can skip these steps and directly add campaigns and groups.

For example, if we need to create 10 ad campaigns, 30 ad groups and add 90 ad copy at a time today, adding one by one on Google Ads is definitely not the most efficient way. We can use the Editor to create an empty ad campaign or group, and then use bulk upload to add the ad copy at once.

To add a new campaign or group in the Editor, just press the add button in the corresponding level, then fill in the necessary fields and publish it.

Bulk editing of ad copy and keywords

The second advantage of Editor is that it can edit a large number of ad copy and keywords at the same time. We only need to select the things we want to edit, and Editor can edit all the content in the same field.

Operation commands that are commonly used

Ctrl + left button: select multiple

Hold down Ctrl and then use the left button to select the item we want to select, so that we can select several things at once, which is very useful when there is no need to select all

Shift + left button (select the upper and lower two items): select all in a row

First select an item, then hold down Shift and then select the items above or below it, so that you can select these two items at once, and all the things that are between them.

5 practical tips

Tip 1: add text before and after  

This function is very useful if we need to add new text at the beginning or end of the ad copy or keywords.

First of all, we have to select " Replace Text ", then select the "Append" column and decide what kind of text we want to add to the front or the end.

After clicking append, the specified text will be added where we want

Tip 2: Copy and paste the ad copy and keywords

When we have several ad groups that will use the same ad copy, the function copy and paste will definitely come in handy

First, we need to select the ad copy that needs to be copied and press Ctrl + C

Then select the group where you want to paste the ad copy and press Ctrl + V

Then a confirmation window will pop up, check the ad group we want to paste and confirm.

(If there are active and paused ad groups in this campaign, and we only want to paste it in the active ad group, we can choose to press the "active" button to select all active ad groups. )

After confirmation, the ad copy will be copied to the selected group

Tip 3: Copy and paste advertising schedules

Google Ads itself can only edit the ad schedule of one ad campaign at a time, so if we want to specify the advertising time of dozens of advertising activities, this matter will become very cumbersome. This would be good timing to use Editor to copy and paste the advertising schedule.

Assuming that we need to make all our advertising campaigns run from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm, we can first go to Google Ads to set the advertising time of one of the campaigns.

Then we go back to the Editor, after downloading the latest changes, we will find that the corresponding advertising time will display a percentage.

This percentage represents the percentage of the time period we set in all available time (24 hours a day). Now we only need to select this campaign and press Ctrl + C to copy.

Then click on the campaign that you want to paste the ad schedule. Now we can see that the gray clipboard icon on the far right of the ad period is now black.

After pressing the paste button, we can paste the ad schedule of another ad campaign to this ad campaign.

Tip 4: Quickly edit the advertising locations

The advantage of editing the ad placement locations in Editor is that we can save the time to load Google Ads. At the same time, the advertising locations can also be copied and pasted directly in the Editor to any advertising campaign we want.

To edit the advertising location , first we have to go to the " Keywords and Targeting" section of the area

Then click the add button

After clicking the edit button of the rightmost location, an area query window will pop up

Assuming that the area we want to add today is Taoyuan City, we can search for Taoyuan City here and press confirm

After the completion, we can see that Taoyuan City has been added to the advertising location.

Tip 5: Upload a large number of keywords or ad copy - use expanded text ad as an example

The last tip to introduce is to upload a large number of keywords or ad copy

Bulk upload is a feature of Google Ads itself. If we have more than tens or even hundreds of copywriting or keywords to add to the campaign, we can use bulk upload. (The steps here can actually be applied to Google Ads. If you like me, prefer to solve all the large numbers of edits in Google Ads Editor, this little trick will save a lot of time.)

Suppose we want to upload a large number of expanded text ads today. Our first step is to add a CSV file and determine the components of the expanded text ad (headline, description, URL), the type of ad, and the copy of these ads. Activities and groups are in this CSV file. It should be noted that the header and advertisement type should be in English (instead of Chinese), otherwise it may fail (this may also be a problem with my version, but at least when I want to add it, only English will succeed); in addition, it should be noted that the advertising campaign and the name of the ad group must be exactly the same as the name of the activity and group you want to add copy to, otherwise an error message will appear.

After preparing the CSV file, we need to select "Import> From File" under "Account" of Editor

Then select the CSV file we want to import and press OK

If there is no problem with the file, we will see the following page. If an error message appears, it means that our file has a problem and needs to be modified.

If there is no problem after selecting "Finish and check changes", you can click "Keep" and the bulk upload is completed.

Categories: PPC
