無法投放個人化以及再行銷廣告怎麼辦 – 客戶開發廣告的重要性
客戶開發(Lead gen ads )是一種能夠有效獲取潛在客戶聯絡資訊的廣告模式,我們可以利用取得的客戶資訊來製作不同的名單,接著投放不同的客製化廣告。隨著環境的變遷,客戶開發將會越來越重要。這篇文章中,我會整理Lead gen ads 重要的原因、常見的廣告形式以及一些設計原則。
客戶開發(Lead gen ads )是一種能夠有效獲取潛在客戶聯絡資訊的廣告模式,我們可以利用取得的客戶資訊來製作不同的名單,接著投放不同的客製化廣告。隨著環境的變遷,客戶開發將會越來越重要。這篇文章中,我會整理Lead gen ads 重要的原因、常見的廣告形式以及一些設計原則。
前一陣子Google 正式宣布回應式搜尋廣告成為預設廣告形式,現存的文字廣告還是可以正常運作並且編輯,也可以視情況來建立一般文字廣告,但是未來回應式廣告將會變成主要的形式。這篇文章中,我將會整理回應式廣告的優缺點,以及與文字廣告相比在撰寫廣告文案上有甚麼不同的地方。
April can be regarded as the official start of spring in most places. Many e-commerce websites will choose to start promoting spring products this month. There are also some interesting holidays that can be used for social and online marketing in April. In this article, I have compiled a few holidays that I think are the most interesting and most suitable for placing in the marketing calendar:
When we are promoting the company's products and services, the most common question is: "Should we pay to find an agency to help with online marketing?". When working in an agency, it is also common to encounter clients who have not done their homework and are anxious to pay the agency to improve their performance. In this article, I will briefly analyze the factors that should be considered when deciding to find an agency, and how to choose the online marketing services provided by the agency.
Designing an ad account is one of the basic skills of paid search advertising. A while ago, my ad account audit article mentioned the concept of ad account structure and some basic principles. I want to use this article to introduce in more detail how to design a good advertising account structure and some rules of thumb that should be followed when designing.
In the United States, the options for finding digital marketing jobs are very diverse. Almost every field has companies looking for specialists. So what kind of skills and experience should we have to apply for these positions and stand out in the interviews? In this article, I have sorted out common digital marketing jobs in the United States, and what conditions should be met to have an advantage when applying.
Compared with November and December, which are full of various large-scale festivals and promotional activities, March is generally a relatively calm month, but there are still many days that can be used for marketing promotion or social engagement. I have compiled a few marketing holidays in March that I think are more important and interesting in this article, and briefly discuss how we can use them.
Before deciding to open a PPC account, unless you have set a clear advertising budget, most of the time you will face the dilemma of not knowing how much you should spend on PPC. Spending too much could be a waste of money, but spending too little could also miss opportunities for more profit. In this article, I will sort out two budget planning methods that I think are the easiest and straightforward, and how to use them.
Google announced earlier in February that Google Ads’ search ads will no longer support broad match modifiers in the future. This could be one of the biggest recent changes in search advertising. As advertisers, how should we view this update and be prepared for it? In this article, I will briefly summarize this update, its possible impact, and plausible ways of dealing with it.